WA Z Register
Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc


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  • 29 Aug 2024 11:26 AM | Deleted user


    Shortly you will receive notification of a Special General Meeting to be held on 18 September.  This meeting has been called to consider changes to our Constitution to broaden our membership eligibility.

    I am writing to provide background to these proposals and to seek your support for the changes proposed.

    If we consider membership numbers, the club is healthy.  The introduction of C4C Concessional Licensing provided a boost to our membership, but the number of active members is decreasing.  We have been unable to fill all Committee positions, and several events have been cancelled due to lack of numbers.

    Membership and participation have been topics of concern discussed at club meetings for some years.  As promised during the AGM, the Committee has conducted several workshops and meetings to seek to understand the issues and identify potential actions to redress them.

    Membership and participation have been topics of concern discussed at club meetings for some years.  As promised during the AGM, the Committee has conducted several workshops and meetings to seek to understand the issues and identify potential actions to redress them.

    Analysis indicates that a key issue is the ageing of our members and Committee.  We need to attract new members that will take the club forward over time.  The restrictive membership eligibility is an issue as is the increasing cost of our vehicles that puts them out of reach of many.  It was also identified that we need to conduct events that our members wish to attend.

    It is the Committee’s view that if the Club was to continue to operate as it currently does, in 5 years’ time, it would either exist simply to provide concessional licensing with little member interaction or it would be absorbed into an existing larger club as has happened to other niche groups in recent times. From the Committee’s perspective, neither of these outcomes are desirable.

    As a first step to address these issues, and in line with feedback provided through member surveys and ongoing conversations, the Committee is proposing that membership eligibility be broadened to include later Nissan Fairlady Z (import), 300ZX, 350Z, 370Z, the current and any future Z.

    The Secretary will shortly provide formal notification of the Special General Meeting and details on the resolution proposed. An Absent Voting poll will also be distributed separately for completion by those members wishing to cast a vote who are not able to attend the meeting.  

    I invite you to provide feedback via my email (president@wazregister.com) or the comments section of the Absent Voting form.  I also encourage you to attend the meeting to contribute to the discussion if you are in a position to do so.

    Paul Maisey

  • 13 Dec 2023 12:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The WA Z Register was represented at Challenge Bathurst by Brendan, Bruce Chris and Peter competing in their Zs.  Paul attended as a spectator and took on the role of coach and motivator.

    Varying weather conditions meant that Challenge Bathurst was well...Challenging. It was great to run with the 3 other Zs from WA and congratulations to Peter for his third place in the Regularity competition.

    Bruce the truckie and John Wilding transported the cars to and from the event.

    Thanks to Dave and the team from the Queensland Z club and Michele and team from Challenge Bathurst for a well-run event.

    The YouTube link below shows ibn car camera footage from Peter and Chris's cars when they were running at close proximity to each other on the track.


  • 22 Sep 2023 11:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is a link to the Motor Museum of WA news letter. newsletter 56 August 2023.pdf

  • 20 Sep 2023 10:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please check the events page for details and to register your attendance at Datsuns in the Park on Sunday 22 October.

  • 28 Aug 2023 4:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please complete this survey

    Over the past 5 weeks, Australian Motor Heritage Foundation have been running a survey of historical vehicle owners in order to ascertain the value of the motor heritage sector to the Australian economy.

    So far, more than 5,200 responses have been received – a remarkable response rate that highlights the interest in – and passion for – the motor heritage sector.  Such a strong response will add considerable weight to the Study's findings.

    The Australian Motor Heritage Foundation have requested that we distribute the survey to all members.

    The survey closes by the end of September.  We need as many respondents as we can muster to really highlight to Government the value that the sector brings to the economy.

    Please find below the link to the survey.  C

    The link to the survey is below:

    Australian Motor Heritage Foundation (AMHF) Survey (surveymonkey.com)

    Many thanks

    The Australian Motor Heritage Foundation


  • 23 Jul 2023 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Venue - Belmont Sports Club 



    Zs in SHEDZ dont forget to submit a photo of your Z in Shed ASAP to Secretary

    The AGM provides an opportunity for all members to meet and socialise.  To encourage and maximise attendance coffee and lunch will be provided.  

    Event commences at 11am

    11.00amCoffee and member cars 

    12.00 Noon Annual General Meeting (formalities kept to a minimum)

    Reports President Treasurer

    Election of Office Bearers

    1.00pm Lunch  Catchup, chat and vote for your favourite Z in Shed

    Zs In Sheds - viewing and voting

  • 21 Mar 2023 11:01 AM | Deleted user

    This is a link to the Motor Museum of WA Newsletter "Museum Musings".  An interesting read.

  • 29 Nov 2022 5:02 PM | Deleted user


    The Celebration of the Motorcar is advertised as WA's premier exhibition of classic, prestige & exotic cars with entry restricted to 150 invited vehicles.  This year I was fortunate to represent the club with my 240Z and Kent Bush invited to display his Datsun 260C.

    The quality of the cars on display was exceptional with money no object. There were 2 awards for luxury cars.  The Classic Luxury Car Class award was presented to a professionally restored Mercedes-Benz 300 Cabriolet.  The presenter then went at great length describing the skilled workmanship and restoration of the Modern Luxury Car Class winner.  Foolishly I was thinking of the beautifully restored Rolls, Bentleys, Mercedes, Jaguars etc on display.

    The Class winner was announced as Kent's Datsun 260C.

    Congratulations Kent and well deserved.


  • 5 Nov 2022 4:45 PM | Deleted user

    When an event is entered into our Club Calendar the Event Manager may configure "Event Announcement" and "Reminders". 

    We will notify all members of Club Meetings and key Club Events such as Datsuns in the Park, Members Day and our Spring and Christmas Lunches.  We will not notify members of events in the Calendar hosted by other clubs or organizations unless Club attendance is planned such as Japanese Car Day.

    An "Event Announcement" is an email outlining the event details with a link to the event.  The "Event Announcement" will also contain buttons to register attendance or otherwise.  

    Normally there will be two "Event Announcements" scheduled.  One well in advance of the event and another on the last day for registration.  If a member responds to an "Event Notification" they will not receive a second Announcement.  Members who register for an event will receive a "Reminder" email the day before the event.

    We are aware that not all members are involved in motorsport or able to participate in Midweek Meanders and have separate distribution lists for these events.  If you wish/do not wish to receive "Event Announcements" for these events please advise the Membership Officer.

  • 18 Oct 2022 2:00 PM | Deleted user

    Dear Members,

    I am excited to welcome you to our new membership management system and website: www.wazregister@wazregister.com

    Members will shortly receive an email containing log in and password details. 

    I encourage Members to log in and explore the website.  Please note that when logging in for the first time Members will be asked to:

    1. Accept Wild Apricot Terms and Conditions (Software Provider); and then
    2. Accept and agree the Datsun 240Z and 260Z Register Policies (available for viewing without logging in on the on the website under “Corporate Governance Menu”.

    Detailed “log in” and “unable to log in” instructions are available under the “Help Menu”.
    Using the website Members can now:

    • Review and update their details
    • Pay membership fees and event fees
    • View and print their membership card
    • View and Register for events
    • Register an Impromptu Run
    • Engage with other members in online forums

     A phone App is also available providing similar functionality.  Instructions on downloading the App are available under the “Help Menu”.
    I encourage Members to share their experiences and provide feedback and suggestions by use of a Forum.  The Club wants to hear from you.
    All Club communications will now originate from the email address wazregister@wazregister.com.  These communications will include newsletters, event notifications, and membership renewal notifications.
    With your participation this new website will facilitate improved communications and participation in Club Activities

    Bill Ambrose
    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA
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