WA Z Register

Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc.

Social Media Policy

This Policy was last reviewed and updated on 5 October 2022


Social media offers the opportunity for people to gather in online communities of shared interest and create, share or consume content. As a member-based organization, the Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc. (Club) recognizes the benefits of social media as an important tool of engagement and enrichment for our members.

It is important that the reputation of the Club is not tarnished by anyone using social media tools inappropriately, particularly in relation to any content that might reference the Club. When someone clearly identifies their association with the Club and/or discusses their involvement in the Club in this type of forum, they must behave and express themselves appropriately and in the ways that are consistent with Club's values and policies.

This policy aims to provide some guiding principles to follow when using social media. This policy does not apply to the personal use of social media platforms by members that makes no reference to the Club or related issues.


This policy applies to Club members and covers all forms of social media. Social media includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:

  •      Maintaining a profile page on social or business networking sites (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Shutterfly, Twitter or MySpace);
  •      Content sharing including Flicker, Instagram  (photo sharing) and YouTube (Video Sharing);
  •      Commenting on blogs for personal or business reasons; product or service reviews on retailer sites or customer review sites;
  •      Participating in online votes and polls;
  •      Participating in conversations on public and private web forums (message boards); or
  •      Editing a Wikipedia page

The intent of this policy is to include material relating to the Club, its members, colleagues and sponsors posted online.

Guiding Principles

The web is not anonymous. Members should assume that everything they post can be traced back to them.

Due to the unique nature of motoring clubs, the boundaries between a member’s profession and social life can often be blurred. Members must make a clear distinction between what they do in a professional capacity and what they do or say in their capacity as a member of the Club.

The Club considers all members are its representatives.

Honesty is always the best policy, especially online.

Members understand the web is a permanent record of online actions and opinions.

When using the Internet for professional or personal pursuits, members must respect the Club brand and follow the guidelines in place to ensure Club's intellectual property or its relationships with sponsors and stakeholders is not compromised, or the Club is brought into disrepute.


For Club members using social media, such use must not:

  •       Contain, or link to, libelous, defamatory or harassing content. This also applies to the use of illustrations or nicknames;
  •       Comment on, or publish, information that is confidential or in any way sensitive to the Club, members, affiliates or sponsors;
  •     Use offensive illustrations and nicknames; and
  •       Post material that brings the Club into disrepute.

Members are not to use the Club Brand to brand to endorse or promote any product, opinion, cause or political cause including candidates and parties. Any opinions shared are to be clearly declared as those of the individual, and do not represent or reflect the views of Club.

Consideration towards others when using social networking sites

Social networking sites allow photographs, videos and comments to be shared with thousands of other users.  Club members must recognize that it may not be appropriate to share photographs, videos and comments in this way. For example, there may be an expectation that photographs taken at a private Club event will not appear publicly on the Internet.   In certain situations, Club members could potentially breach the privacy act or inadvertently make Club liable for breach of copyright.

Members attending a public Club event should expect that photographs of a general nature will be taken and shared on the club website and social media pages.

Members should be considerate to others and should not post information when they have been asked not to, or consent has not been sought and given. They must also remove posted information about another member or person if that person asks them to do so.

Members should also not be in a position to be identified in photographs, videos or other social media content that might be considered detrimental for the Club if it can in any way be linked to their role in the Club, including being at a Club event or representing the Club at an event.

Under no circumstance should offensive comments be made about Club members online.

Breach of Policy

The Club continually monitors online activity in relation to the Club and its members.

Breaches of this policy should be reported to Committee.

A breach of this Policy is deemed a beach of the Code of Conduct and may result in a reprimand, suspension, or revocation of membership.

Consultation or Advice

This policy has been developed to provide guidance for Club members in a new area of social interaction. Club members who are unsure of their rights, liabilities or actions online and seek clarification, should contact the Club Secretary secretary@waregister.com.

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